Sunday, February 23, 2014

Part III of Who Definitely Does Not Qualify for Prospective Membership in my still-one-member (myself, only) and Non-Christian Progressive Prohibitionist Religion

----Anyone who believes that the "hymnal book" for a religious service should contain any of the following words in that hymnal book: "God" "Christ," "Almighty," "the Lord," "Creator of the Universe," "Jesus," etc.

----Anyone who believes that ANY piano playing or electric guitar music or organ music should ever be featured during any event or service sponsored by their own religion.

---Anyone who opposes church-sponsored monitoring of and factual reporting on the noise-pollution level, or decibel level, at any church-sponsored event.

----Anyone who believes that a religious group SHOULD NOT strive to diligently and conscientiously protect the hearing capacity and medical health of any and all members and employees of that religious group.

----Anyone who supports "thought control" projects of any type.

----Anyone who supports the view that religion should sponsor speculations or comments about an expected or cited "afterlife" for anyone in a context in which no modern scientific evidence has been provided as of that time that proves conclusively that any type of "afterlife" for any human being upon the death of that human being does, in fact, occur.

----Anyone who believes that a religious congregation should ever serve to any of its members foods, such as deep-fried donuts or conventional ice cream or candy, that are high in saturated fats or very high in sugar content and very lacking in vitamins and minerals.

---Anyone who believes that a religious congregation should ever serve or offer wine or any other alcoholic beverage of any type to any member or employee of that congregation at any time.

---Anyone who is uncomfortable with a religion that would seek to limit the use of drinking alcohol to its usage as a flavorful ingredient in cooking, with one example of that being "cooking sherry."

--Anyone who is uncomfortable with a religion that sponsors "Pederasty Prevention Workshops" and "Pederasty Prevention Discussion Groups" and "Pederasty Prevention Symposia" that are aimed at helping to promote and help achieve a significant reduction in the per-capita incidence of sex crimes violating the legal rights and human rights of minors (minors being definable in Texas as any and all persons age 16 or younger, according to the state penal code of Texas).


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